Brain Work and Heart Work
When one does not feel “well” by behavioral health standards, getting better can be a difficult, complex challenge. It involves...

Continuing Recovery Beyond Recovery Month
As 12-Steppers so wisely say, recovery happens "one day at a time." September is National Recovery Month, but recovery also happens on...

Growing Recovery
Sustaining recovery is similar to growing a plant. Even when the seed sprouts, without sufficient water or fertilizer, the plant will be...

The Soundtrack of One's Life
Music has the capacity to connect us instantaneously with powerful memories. When the memory is pleasant or loving, the effect can be...

Motivation for Recovery
Often we hear, "if the addict isn't ready to stop using, they won't", or ""you gotta wanna". This is not necessarily so for everyone...

Finding the Road to Recovery
Everyone finds their own way to recovery. Why, then, do 12 Step programs emphasize getting a sponsor? Sponsors can be stalwart allies in...

Rigorous Honesty with Boundaries
Getting back "in the game" following treatment for behavioral health issues can feel awkward. For some, treatment has required a...

War Stories
During difficult times, it may feel as though one is the only person experiencing uniquely painful emotions. Feelings of isolation can...

September is National Recovery Month. Every day, someone is beginning their recovery from substance abuse. Recovery is possible....