Playing at Adulthood
Individuals try on different identities as a normal part of development. Usually, this behavior declines during young adulthood, with...

Art as Therapy
Georgia O’Keeffe, famous for her vibrant floral paintings, commented, “I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't...

How to Win at Tug-of-War
Power struggles can be exhausting. They happen in many different settings: parents guiding their children, co-workers competing in...

Friendship Unplugged
Whether you are a Digital Immigrant (born prior to 1980) or a Digital Native (born after 1980), for many people, technology has become a...

Happy Holidays?
Each year the retail holiday season seems to start earlier than the last. For some, the constant reminder of the approaching holidays is...

Laughter as Medicine
Laughter is contageous. Watch someone laughing and eventually one usually can not help smiling or even laughing out loud right along...